Avis utilisateurs
Florence Leblanc
7 février 2025
Franchement merci ! Non, un grand MERCI ❤️ Je joue au Handpan depuis plus de 4 ans et demi, et j'avoue que depuis un peu plus d'un an je stagnais, je ne trouvais plus la force et la motivation de décortiquer les morceaux vu sur Handpan en mettant les vidéo en 20% de vitesse 😅 J'étais frustrée de ne pas trouver moi-même de transpositions de mes morceaux favoris pour pouvoir les jouer sur l'une des 2 gammes que j'ai à disposition. Il y a 2 mois, j'ai passer le cap et me suis abonnée à Notepan. Depuis j'ai déjà appris presque 4 morceaux que j'aime beaucoup 🥰 La possibilité de transposer facilement de très nombreux morceaux, automatiquement, sur l'une de mes gammes ça change tout ! 🤯 Ce n'est que le début, et toutes les nouvelles partitions rajoutées régulièrement me font dire que c'est loin d'être fini 😄 Vraiment cette application est géniale ! Merci ❤
Marcel Kreiner
1 février 2025
I'm so happy to have discovered Notepan on Instagram. This app does exactly what I've been looking for a long time, to be able to play pieces by famous artists. I've learned a lot with my D Kurd 10. Now the journey continues with the E Amara 20. I open the app almost every day to see if there are any new pieces :) The combination with MMM MalteMartenMethod is also perfect and makes learning easier. Big praise to Maxence for this app! I can really recommend it to every handpan player. Blessings
Peter Bodnar
9 décembre 2024
Notepan is a great tool for various purposes. I often have some ideas which I used to record with my phone, but now I use Notepan for sketching more often than my recorder. I just quickly open a new project and write down the most prominent parts of the idea for future arrangement. Also, it is a very efficient tool for working on ideas and compose a full song out of it. I especially like that I can mark sections and add annotations to different parts and beats of a song. It is very useful that I can transpose songs and add custom handpans as well. Finally, I found out that a great use case of Notepan is to bring up new patterns and ideas, thus boosting creativity. When I'm just fooling around with the handpan, I usually end up with similar patterns I always do, but when trying to compose with Notepan, I can try out patterns and grooves that I'm not familiar with. The user interface is also great, and it is good to be able to export tab as pdf and the sound in mp3. Also, the online music library helps to learn nice pieces from the greatest handpan players around the world. I recommend this software for every handpan player as a must have.
15 octobre 2024
Thank you for spending countless hours on transcribing the music and refining the Notepan system continuously You are doing the handpan community a great service
Doctor Bucketman
8 septembre 2024
Notepan will allow you to write down and share your musical ideas in a notation system that is very easy to understand and you will also be able to enjoy the tabs shared by other users. Don't be fooled by the simplicity of its interface, behind it lies a very powerful tool that will take you to the next level. I have been a professional drummer for 30 years and a year ago I bought my first handpan with the intention of experimenting and learning to play with a new instrument. After buying the handpan I looked for a book or website that would put me on the path to learning to play and having a repertoire, but everything I found was (…I feel sorry for its authors) very little, of a low level, with little information, Boring and poorly planned. When I was about to throw in the towel…booom! I came across Notepan, which was barely a few weeks old. At that moment I knew this was going to be something fantastic. Today I can say that I use Notepan almost every day and it has made me a better player. I can write down my ideas and sketches quickly and easily, I can look for inspiration in the tabs that other users upload, I can learn a new pattern, etc. Between my own compositions and those from the Notepan library, today I have more than an hour of repertoire that I can play reliably and I owe a large part of it to Notepan. In my opinion, I think that one of the best ways to learn to play an instrument is by learning a repertoire and in Notepan there are a lot of tabs so that your repertoire never stops growing whatever your level. Without a doubt, Notepan is going to be the number one reference for musical notation for handpan in the world. Thanks Notepan!
joséphine colombier
4 juin 2024
cette application est géniale Bravo et en plus elle s'améliore tout le temps . Quel travail ! Grand merci pour le superbe tuto Par contre j'aurai aimé pouvoir le télécharger en PDF pour pouvoir le consulter hors connexion ... je n'ai pas reussi
Lize van den Heever
30 mai 2024
Well done!!! I'm a beginner handpan player and because I am somewhat of a perfectionist and a software engineer and not much of a natural percussionist I was trying all different ways to note down songs and rythms I am learning (I can't just remember the sound and hand movements, I need to see the music/pattern). I've tried flat.io with multiple voices for the left and right hand and/or multiple clefts. Flat.io has a nice playback, but the percussion element is difficult to incorporate accurately. Also tried David Kuckherman's method (which is more similar to Notepan app) and Master The Handpan notation, but nothing was really working for me. NOW I've stumbled on Notepan.fr app and started the free trial today. I am blown away as this is exactly what I was looking for and I really like the way your playback is accurately simulating a real handpan. I also feel that you did a wonderful job in the App - it is very intuitive and I can see that a lot of thought has gone into the functional design and how you want to present the features in the UI. Also very impressed with how good it is working, no bugs found yet. Coming from a software engineering background I often find that within the first few minutes or features I use a product/app/website I already come accross a bunch of bugs. NONE found so far in Notepan.fr, well done!! I will continue to test the trial and definitely subscribe for at least one year, just need to make up my mind if I want to subscribe for lifetime. Well done!!!
Anton Jankovoy
27 avril 2024
It's hard to find words to express the full level of my gratitude to the Notepan team and especially to Maxence Champy for the work they have done to create such a well-designed and unique software for writing and learning how to play compositions on the handpan. Thanks to these lessons, mastering this instrument no longer seems like an impossible dream as it was when I tried to learn from YouTube lessons. For me, this is especially important in such a difficult period for my country, Ukraine, and the conditions in which we find ourselves here. Handpan lessons are my salvation in such crazy times when rockets fly outside the window and we have to sit without water and electricity for several days each time. The time I have spent learning and practicing the handpan has been a real escape and a shelter from all the madness in the news and outside the window, a portal to the magic of music, its beauty, and harmony.
Lalanne Marius
20 février 2024
Super pratique, j'espere que l'on retrouvera bientôt l'application sur tablette. Il y a une fo,ctionnalité qui me manque lorsque je l'utise c'est le zoom. Je peux le faire si je je télécharge la partition en fichier pdf, mais j'aimerai pouvoir zoomer sur les segments que je travail lorsque je suis dans le logiciel. Merci.
Alexandros Adamos
19 novembre 2023
A next generation handpan software! Why so much late for something like this!? Thanks to Maxence for the amazing job he does with Notepan. The beautiful design, the so many functionalities (I don't know yet all the thinks that the Notepan does), the new one, that today I found out does, to transform any song in the scale you like! And so many other beautiful things. It's a completely genius program and I am sure in the future time it will increase more and more the subscribers. It's impossible to not take it if you are a serious handpan lover. I already subscribe to yearly but now with the offer of Black Friday I am seriously thinking to take the lifetime access. Thank you so much my friend. ♥️🙏
16 octobre 2023
This is an excellent application - in my opinion a must have - for handpan learners, composers and players. I myself didn't need the whole trial period of 14 days, instead I purchased it within the first week - lifetime access, of course! Maxence did (and does) a very good job. I made several suggestions to him for improving the already very good version 1.0, and with version 1.1 nearly every suggestion was implemented (most of my suggestions were already on his to-do-list). For example, you now have a (basic) metronome function, and with the loop option you can create your own accompanying rhythm and start improvising around this basic groove, which is much better then using a metronome - however sophisticated the metronome is. With the pdf-option you can practice your favourite songs without the need of your computer. I myself (as a beginner) use the tablature editor also to "translate" known folksongs to the handpan, which are great to practice and to learn how harmonics can be used to enhance the music. Many thanks to Maxence for this fantastic software.
8 octobre 2023
Very good and helpful application. Easy to understand and very effective. A must for all handpan players who want to compose their own tunes and learn well-known songs easily with the help of tablatures. Many thanks to Maxence for developing this software!