
Select one of our plans to get started with Notepan. Prices are displayed with all taxes included. Paid subscriptions are renewed automatically, but you can cancel them at any time from your account page.

Trial Version

Free for 14 days

  • All functionalities
  • Full access to the library

No credit card required


Monthly Subscription

€8.00 per month

  • All functionalities
  • Full access to the library

Pay as you go, cancel anytime

Annual Subscription

€48.00 per year

  • All functionalities
  • Full access to the library

Save 50% annually

Lifetime Access


  • Same as subscriptions
  • Includes all future updates

Enjoy Notepan forever

Please check our system requirements before buying Notepan:

Operating system

Windows 8 / 10 / 11

macOS 10.14 or later

RAM 4 Gb
Hard drive free space 250 Mb
Screen resolution 1024 x 768 pixels
Processor 64-Bit 1GHz Dual-core Intel/AMD/Apple Silicon

The software is only available in English or French. Translation in other languages will be provided in future updates. If you find any difficulties or if you have questions about our subscription plans, don't hesitate to contact us.